The summer 2018 issue of the American Bar Association's International Anti-Corruption Committee Newsletter highlights the corporate compliance, bribery and HR risk posed by labor protection contracts in Mexico.
The article can be found at the following link:ABA International Anti-Corruption Committee Newsletter - Summer 2018 (pdf opens, pp. 6-10).
The newsletter also contains insightful anti-corruption stories and updates from every region in the world and a report on insights provided by Ana Pinelas Pinto of the Miranda Alliance in Portugual on anti-corruption compliance concerns related to payments to public entities or officials in Africa (pp. 3-4).
The International Section's Anti-Corruption Newsletter changed its format in Winter 2017 to include both substantive articles and regional anti-corruption updates. See the following link for past and future issues, as well as additional information about the Committee's work: ABA International Section Anti-Corruption Newsletter