Saturday, August 31, 2019

Get the latest on USMCA's labor chapter and other North American free trade agreements here

The 2019 update to the monograph NAFTA, NAALC, and Labor Provisions in North American Free Trade Agreements, part of Kluwer's International Encyclopaedia of Laws, is now available online.

This comprehensive and up-to-date 270-page resource contains essential
background on the structure and operation of labor provisions in North American free trade agreements, including NAFTA, USMCA, CAFTA-DR, TPP, CPTPP, TTIP, CETA, EU-Mexico, and Canadian and US bilateral free trade agreements with partners in Latin America and around the world - not to mention a complete digest of every petition filed under the NAALC and labor provisions of other North American FTAs.

Highlights from the last 5 years in the new edition include:

  • New labor petitions filed under NAALC, Canadian and US FTAs with Colombia, and the US-Peru FTA;
  • The latest developments in pending cases filed under CAFTA-DR and the US-Peru FTA;
  • Addition of the 2006 labor petition filed under the US-Jordan FTA;
  • New sections comparing labor provisions in multi-lateral FTAs such as TPP, CPTPP, CETA, and the proposed TTIP; and
  • A new chapter comparing the NAALC to labor provisions in the signed, but not-yet-ratified USMCA.
This monograph will be published as a book by Kluwer in late 2019.